1-Biblical Prophecy
1. Prophecy Explained
2. Prophecy Jesus Fulfilled
3. Other Prophecies Fulfilled
4. Modern Nations in the Bible
5. Four Horsemen
6. Seven Trumpets
7. Prophecy and the Present Times
8. What is Next?
9. The Rapture
10. Understanding the Book of Revelation
What's going on Right Now, in Biblical Prophecy?
A summary of Biblical Prophecy and the Story of the Bible
2-Biblical Truth
11. The Truth of God's Word
12. Theology vs Philosoph
13. The Deception
14. What is the Truth?
15. How many God's are there?
16. What do I do now?
17. Family - God's way
18. The Wonder of it all
19. What is a False Religion?
The Four Gospels combined
3-Creation vs Evolution
20. Creation or Evolution?
21. Is Evolution a science?
22. How old is the earth?
23. What about the dinosaurs?
24. What does the Bible say about creation?
25. What is the Firmament?
26. Dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible!
27. The Flood changed a lot more than we think!
28. What about Lucy?
29. What about the Ark?
30. What happened to the water?
31. Why do men believe in Evolution?
Islam in the Bible
Who is Jesus Christ?
In who's Name?
Why is Baptism important?
The Gifts of the Spirit
What is sin? What is loving my neighbor?
Can I be saved if I'm a Jew or Muslim?
A short summary of Biblical Prophecy
The Story of the Bible
Is tithing Biblical?
Predestined or not predestined?
The Origin of the Catholic Church
Is Islam a religion of peace or violence?
What is truly living a Christian life?
Notes on the book of Enoch
the book of Jasher
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Prophecy Explained
When is the End of the World?
Seven Trumpets
The Seven Seals
Who is the Great Whore, the False Prophet and the Antichrist of the End Time?
Prophecy and the Present Times
The Wrath of God
What is Salvation?
Who Is Jesus Christ?
the Rapture in the Bible
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