Chapter 30 -
What happened to the water from the Flood?
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When God was done with the flood, it says the waters assuaged (or abated).
Psalm 104 has more to say about it.
Ps 104:6 Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood
above the mountains. 7 At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder
they hasted away. 8 They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys
unto the place which thou hast founded for them.
This phrase, “go up by the mountains, down by the valleys” means to rise up and
sink down, into the place where God had founded for them.
Eldridge Moores, a prominent geologist, says that the sea floor sank when the
planet was covered by water at some point. He was not trying to prove the
Bible, he was just stating what he had found by studying the earth.
News, September 2005 – When the Amazon River floods, it still causes the land in
the region to sink down today.
The deepest part of the Pacific Ocean is almost 7 miles deep! (36,000 feet, or 6.8 miles)
The water from the oceans covers 70% of the earth... before the flood there would have been much more land exposed!
Much smaller seas, none or very little ice at the poles, and mostly a tropical paradise with no deserts...
If you leveled off the mountains a little and raised up the valleys under the
ocean a bit, you would have enough water to cover the entire planet by a few
thousand feet.
Gen 8:3 And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the
end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated.
God simply caused the deep chasms and mountains to arise to the heights they are today with the flood waters.
The waters
hasted away and returned from off the earth continually. The mountains
arose and the valleys sunk down. Whoosh! And the water returned back
and forth continually. Slosh, slosh... back and forth for 150 days until it
abated (decreased in force or intensity).
How about the dinosaur tracks on
the sides of mountains on a 90 degree incline? The mountain was lifted
from its original place with tremendous force.
really a no-brainer to understand how the Grand Canyon was carved!
If you look at geological maps of the fault lines and volcanoes, you’ll notice
that they follow the mountain ranges and the deep valleys of the oceans.
Right where the mountains arose and the valleys sank, the crust is weak and
Or, if you don’t like the sound of this, maybe God just took a dipper full of
water out and dumped it somewhere else. He is God, after all.
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