What is the book of Enoch?

This is a compilation of some notes and thoughts about the book of Enoch

This is by no means an exhaustive study of Enoch, and I don't even mention many of the things written in it.  This is just some highlights of the book.

First of all, Enoch is mentioned in Genesis, Luke, Hebrews, and Jude; and the book of Enoch was quoted by both Jude (Jude 1:14-15, Enoch 1) and Peter (2 Pet 2:4, Enoch 10 and 67).

It is not included in the Bible we have today, but there's a good reason for that.  It was completely unknown prior to the KJV Bible and all of the pre-KJV translations and collections of scripture, so there could be no way for it to have been included in the Bible we have today. They did not have a copy of it to include in the compilation of the Bible, even though it is quoted and mentioned many times, so it was impossible to include it at that time. However, when they created the Canon of Scriptures, one of the criteria they used for inclusion in the canon was; Is it mentioned and/or quoted elsewhere in scripture? Enoch meets this criteria.

Enoch, like Elijah, was taken to heaven by God without having to die in this life:  Gen 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. - and - Heb 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

The book of Enoch was first discovered in Africa (Ethiopia) in the mid 1700's and then also found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. Enoch was the great grandfather of Noah.  He gave his writings to Methuselah (the son of Enoch and grandfather of Noah), and Noah to preserve them "so they can be delivered to the generations of the world".  Is it a book we should study and consider as the word of God just like the other major prophets? I can't answer that question for you, but I have read it, have found that many places confirm and expand on what we have in the Bible, and find the prophecies fascinating, such as the prophecy of the flood and how it gives us a greater understanding of the world prior to the flood. And, the "10 weeks" prophecy perfectly confirms the timelines of the rest of the Bible, especially prophecy, where each "week" is an "era" or period of time (looks like they are about 700 years each, or a "week" of centuries each).

Since Enoch is mentioned several times in the Bible, was a man of God, and the book of Enoch was quoted by Jude and Peter, I believe it was originally authentic and inspired by the Spirit like the rest of the Bible.

Common objections to Enoch:

  • In some of the later chapters we see that Noah was supposed to actually speak with Enoch. But, when we look at the time when the Bible says that Enoch was taken to heaven (Gen 5:21-32); Noah was born 69 years after Enoch was taken, so it would have been impossible for Noah to have spoken with Enoch... at least before Enoch was taken to heaven.
  • There's nothing really that proves Noah was not given a way to talk to Enoch, where in chapter 65 Noah "went to the ends of the earth" and cried out to Enoch. This very well could be a meeting God ordained after Enoch was translated to heaven.
  • Just like Moses and Elijah talked to Jesus in Matt 17, why couldn't Enoch have talked to Noah? There's no reason to think it could not have happened.
  • In Enoch 40 - It speaks of an angel named Phanuel who is set over repentance: "and the fourth, who is set over the repentance unto hope of those who inherit eternal life, is named Phanuel."
  • They say that this makes Phanuel the "mediator" and nullifies Jesus
  • Phanuel is not the mediator between God and men any more than John the Baptist was even though John's baptism was the baptism of repentance.
  • Mark 1:4 John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.
  • In Enoch 72 - the great luminary which is named the sun, for ever and ever. And that which (thus) rises is the great luminary, and is so named according to its appearance, according as the Lord commanded. As he rises, so he sets and decreases not, and rests not, but runs day and night, and his light is sevenfold brighter than that of the moon; but as regards size they are both equal.
  • The sun and moon do appear about the same size to the naked eye...
  • Again, this does not prove anything amiss with the book of Enoch.

I tell you this so you can decide. I believe that it is inspired by God and is a book of prophecy we can trust. The question is not, "Is there a book of Enoch?", the question is, "Do we have a good copy of the book of Enoch?". That, I cannot say, and would completely agree with you if you chose not to accept the translation of Enoch that we have today as inspired by God.

It does read a lot like the Bible, where God wrote it woven with mystery (making it very hard for men to corrupt the truth for those who truly seek it), and like the parables He spoke with when He was on the earth as a man, so I personally believe we can trust it, like the Bible.

It goes into great detail about the angels who sinned: Genesis 6:4 and 2 Peter 2:4...

And it gives us an understanding of where evil spirits come from, where magic first came from, etc...

Plus it explains "hell" much more fully. I recently did a study on hell and determined through the Bible that it (Sheol and/or Hades) is "the place of the dead", not just for the wicked but it has several parts including a good part for the righteous dead. In Enoch it gives us even more information!

I recommend giving it a read if you have not already.

Click here to read or download the full text of the Book of Enoch.

The below is a very short run through of some notes and thoughts on the book of Enoch.

Chapters 1 - 5

Chapter 1 is where Jude quotes from Enoch: Jude 14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, 15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

Note that Enoch says that the vision which the angels showed him, he also was given understanding of what he saw from them.

This helps us understand that many things refer to things Enoch could not know, and things that were not typical of his time and the world he lived in.

These prophecies and visions are not about his generation (only a few places actually reference things of the earth in his time), but are for "a remote" generation "which is for to come".

The angels are called "watchers".

Chapters 6 - 9

We see that it's during the time of Jared, Enoch's father, that 200 of the angels came to the earth and took wives of human females (Gen 6:2-4), taught them magic (charms and enchantements), instruments of war and the art of war, astrology and constellations, etc., and bare giant "mighty men" as children.

Jared was born in the year 460 AA (After Adam) and the angels were around until the time of the flood over 1000 years later.  It's important to understand that they had a LOT of children during that 1000 years.

These children became cannibals, and sinned against animals (by eating them). In Genesis 1:29-30 and Genesis 9:3 we see that before the flood everything was vegetarian and it was only after the flood that animals were killed for meat.

Chapters 10-19

God warns Noah of the deluge, and assigns punishment to the angels who sinned.

Throughout the book of Enoch we're given a lot of information about the angels who sinned and their punishment.  Their sin was very grievous and as such their punishment was very grievous, because they "wronged mankind", and they were of heaven but went down to earth and sinned.

They are bound for 70 generations, until Judgement Day and the Consummation.

They get Enoch to petition God for them, but God denies their petition and tells them that they "should intercede for men, and not men for you".

Their children will be confined to the earth as evil spirits since they were born of men and angels.

Interesting that the things they taught women were "worthless" mysteries and caused "men and women to work much evil on earth".

The angels that sinned assumed many different forms...

Chapter 22

Hell is explained in greater detail than we had previously seen in the Bible.  In the Bible, the word "hell" comes from the words "Sheol" and "Hades".

OT:7585 she'owl (sheh-ole'); or sheol (sheh-ole'); from OT:7592; Hades or the world of the dead (as if a subterranean retreat), including its accessories and inmates:

NT:86 haides (hah'-dace); from NT:1 (as negative particle) and NT:1492; properly, unseen, i.e. "Hades" or the place (state) of departed souls:

NT:5020 tartaroo (tar-tar-o'-o); from Tartaros (the deepest abyss of Hades); to incarcerate in eternal torment:

Tartaroo is where the angels are reserved (the deepest abyss of Hades) for Judgement in 2 Peter 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell (Tartaroo), and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

There is more than one "level" or "part" to hell.  It's the place of the dead, separated with no way to cross to the other parts, for sinners in some parts and for the saints of God in the good part.

In Enoch, we're shown in much greater detail, that there are four different parts of Sheol for the souls of men to be separated and reserved until Judgement Day.  We see that some will "not be slain in the day of judgement nor shall they be raised from thence".  These will remain in hell forever.

There is a part "in which there is the bright spring of water" for the righteous dead.

In Enoch chapter 70 we see that Enoch is translated to "the place for the elect", where he saw the "first fathers and the righteous who from the beginning dwell".  Enoch was taken to the good part of Sheol where the righteous are all resting and waiting for the Day of the Lord.

Chapters 25-27

Prophecy of Jesus!

Prophetic terms about Jesus are interspersed throughout Enoch.  He is the "Eternal King", the "Elect One", the "Son of Man".  God is the Lord of Spirits, the Head of Days, and as we know from scripture; God is a Spirit (John 4:24 God is a Spirit...), and Jesus is the human body God made for Himself (Col 2:9 For in him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. He is the image of the invisible God. 2 Corinthians 4:4 … Christ, who is the image of God - Hebrews 1:3 (Jesus is) ... the express image of his (God's) person - Colossians 1:15 (Jesus) Who is the image of the invisible God) Click here for more information on this subject.

He (Jesus) was named before creation (Enoch 48), and foreordained before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:20 Who (Jesus) verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you).

Jesus is the mystery of God... "From the beginning the Son of Man was hidden", but is revealed to the elect, the saints (Enoch 62) His name is revealed at the end when He will sit in judgement (Enoch 69), (Col 1:26 Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints), (1 Tim 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.)

He will sit on the throne of God (Enoch 51), and all will behold Him (Mine Elect One) sit on the throne and judge (Enoch 55).

In the Last days - judgement and the desolate valley for those who don't love the Lord

Chapters 28-36

Portals of heaven, more about the angels who sinned, more about Jesus.

Chapter 32 shows us the Garden of Eden, and a little about Adam and Eve.

Chapter 36 ends the "first vision" which started in chapter 1.

Chapters 37-64

Many visions, the Three Parables, luminaries, the portals of heaven and the stars

Chapter 48: Jesus "shall be the light of the Gentiles". Since Abraham was not yet born, this is a prophecy of the purpose of Christ.

Chapter 51: The resurrection of the dead.

Chapter 52: Vision of the wrath of God...  As wax before the fire - they shall become powerless before his feet - none shall be saved - none shall be able to escape when the Elect One (Jesus) shall appear.

Chapter 53: Punishment of sinners and the righteous will have rest from the oppression of sinners.

Chapter 54: A deep valley for the sinners.  Chains for the angels who sinned.

  - A prophecy of the flood - chambers of water above and fountains beneath the earth.

Chapter 58: Promises to those who love the Lord.

Chapter 60: A mighty quaking in the heavens - Until this day lasted the mercy and long suffering of God, until the day of His wrath.

 - Behemoth and Leviathon - These are not the same as those shown to Job.

Chapter 64: The angels who sinned revealed what has hidden and seduced the children of men into committing sin.

Chapters 65 - 70

Warning to Noah of the coming deluge and his preservation.

The angels who "were over the powers of the waters" are told to hold them in check. (to give Noah time to build the ark)

Enoch gave Noah "the teaching of all the secrets in the book of Parables".

The fallen angel "Kasdeja" taught men how to abort children in the womb!!!

Enoch is translated to "the place for the elect", where he saw the "first fathers and the righteous who from the beginning dwell".  Enoch was taken to the good part of Sheol where the righteous are all resting and waiting for the Day of the Lord.

Chapters 72-79

The luminaries (sun, moon, stars).

The winds.

The four quarters of the earth.

Enoch is showing these things to his son Methuselah.

Moon light is transferred to her by the sun.

Chapter 80 - 82

The sinners years are shortened.  Probably referring to the life-span of men after the flood being severely shortened.

All things on the earth shall alter.  After the flood, many things changed; Animals, climate, abundance of vegetation, etc.

Sinners will err concerning the stars.

Enoch is told to "declare everything to thy son Methuselah" to "preserve" it to "deliver them to the generations of the world".

Chapters 85 - 90

The history of the world all the way through to the end into eternity:

Chapter 85 - Adam and Eve, Cain and Able, Seth

Chapter 86 - the fall of the angels who sinned

Chapter 88 - punishment of the angels who sinned - siezed and thrown into the abyss

 - the sons of the angels kill each other off

Chapter 89 - The prophecy of the flood and the preservation of Noah's family.

 - Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael

 - Jacob and Esau

 - The 12 tribes of Israel are created

 - Joseph

 - Moses

 - Sin in the wilderness caused the current generation to be allowed to die without seeing the promised land - their children saw it

 - The Judges - sometimes blind - sometimes eyes open (on God)

 - Saul, David and Solomon

 - The Kings / Chronicles of the Kings

 - The time of the rule of Babylon

 - The first 70 "shepards" called

 - The rebuilding of Jerusalem

 - The second destruction of the temple and Jerusalem

 - The last 2000 years and the wrath of God

 - Judgement day and the time into eternity and the New Jerusalem

Chapters 91 - 92

Enoch tells Methuselah to call all his brothers together to speak to them.

  - Love uprightness and walk therein

 - And draw not nigh to uprightness with a double heart

 - And associate not with those of a double heart

Chapter 93

The prophecy of weeks - the 10 weeks prophecy

There are some different theories about this prophecy.  Some think it is 1000 years for each "week" and that the first week is the creation week, and the last week is into eternity.  That one does not fit all of the timelines and stated events well at all.  It follows much more accurately that it is about 700 years for each "week".  Each week might not be exactly 700 years, but each week is an era or period of time in the history of the world from creation through the millenial reign. As I always say, I'm not stating any of this as fact, just that my studies lead me to believe this to be true. I leave it to you to decide for yourself.

My take on this is, just like Daniels 70 weeks are really weeks of years, IE: 7 years for each week, it makes much more sense that a "week" here in Enoch also represents a multiple of 7, IE: 7 centuries for each week. 1000 years, or other speculated timeframes that are being taught out there don't make sense!

Week 1:

  • Beginning of creation to 700 AA (AA = After Adam), 4000-3300 BC
  • And Enoch began to recount from the books and said: I was born the seventh in the first week, While judgement and righteousness still endured.
  • Enoch's early years. He was the seventh from Adam (Genesis 5:1-18). He was born in the year 622 AA.
  • This was a peaceful era, before the angels that sinned came to the earth. All creatures were herbivorous before sin corrupted the earth (Gen 1:30, and Gen 9:3 is when that changed after the flood). The art of war was not known until the angels taught it to men.

Week 2:

  • 700-1400 AA, 3300-2600 BC
  • And after me there shall arise in the second week great wickedness, And deceit shall have sprung up; And in it there shall be the first end. And in it a man shall be saved; And after it is ended unrighteousness shall grow up, And a law shall be made for the sinners.
  • Great wickedness after the angels that sinned and came to the earth and took human women for wives. They taught men and women many evil things, and mankind loved it and became wicked in their own hearts. When God decided to destroy the earth it was because "Gen 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."
  • The first end is most likely referring to the "first man" Adam, who died during this week (Adam was 930 years old when he died (Gen 5:5)). He's called the "first man" in 1 Cor 15:45-47.
  • After this week unrighteousness shall grow fully mature. God makes a law of destruction for the sinners and decides to flood the earth and destroy them.
  • Some say it was the translation of Enoch that was the "man saved", but Enoch refers to himself in the 1st tense as "I" in the first week prophecy so he would continue in this one. Rather, it makes more sense that Noah was found righteous before God and God decided to "save" him when he declares the law of destruction for the sinners (Gen 6:7-8).

Week 3:

  • 1400-2100 AA, 2600-1900 BC
  • And after that in the third week at its close a man shall be elected as the plant of righteous judgement, And his posterity shall become the plant of righteousness for evermore.
  • The flood happens in the first part, as well as the tower of Babel and the dispersion of men around the world (Gen 7-11).
  • Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. God elects him as the father of the nation of Israel (Gen 15:6-18, Gen 17:2-21). It was the year 2046 AA when God made the promises to Abraham and Isaac was born. See my notes here for the geneologies and ages of the men noted in the Bible

Week 4:

  • 2100-2800 AA, 1900-1200 BC
  • And after that in the fourth week, at its close, visions of the holy and righteous shall be seen, and a law for all generations and an enclosure shall be made for them.
  • Moses and the Exodus at the end, and the giving of the Law of Moses (the Mosaic Law) (Exodus through Deuteronomy).
  • The Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant (the enclosure) are specified by God and created per His instructions (Exodus through Deuteronomy).

Week 5:

  • 2800-3500 AA, 1200-500 BC
  • And after that in the fifth week, at its close, the house of glory and dominion shall be built for ever.
  • The time of David, Solomon, and the Kings of Israel. (2 Samuel, Kings and Chronicles)
  • Some say this is the First Temple being built in this time period.
  • I personally think it's the House of David, since the House of David will stand forever (2 Sam 7:13-17), but the Temple was destroyed. It may be that this has a twofold meaning in that it's speaking of the first temple, but also represents the House of David since week 6 seems to indicate the second temple being burnt with fire (which it was in 70 AD). And, again, it's the House of David that will stand forever (Zech 12:7-10).

Week 6:

  • 500-4200 AA, 500 BC to 200 AD
  • And after that in the sixth week all who live in it shall be blinded, and the hearts of all of them shall godlessly forsake wisdom. And in it a man shall ascend; And at its close the house of dominion shall be burnt with fire, And the whole race of the chosen root shall be dispersed.
  • The blindness of the Pharisees and the proud, hard hearts of the Jews that Jesus spoke of during His ministry on the earth (the 4 Gospels).
  • Jesus was the first resurrection and ascension into heaven (Acts 1:9-11, Acts 26:23, 1 Cor 15:20, Col 1:15-18, Rev 1:5).
  • The Second Temple was destroyed during this week (in 70 AD the temple was destroyed as prophesied by Jesus), and the Jews were dispersed among the nations of the world.

Week 7:

  • 4200-4900 AA, 200-900 AD
  • And after that in the seventh week shall an apostate generation arise, and many shall be its deeds, and all its deeds shall be apostate. And at its close shall be elected the elect righteous of the eternal plant of righteousness, to receive sevenfold instruction concerning all His creation.
  • Catholicism (325 AD) and Islam (7th Century AD) arose during this week. Most certainly an apostate generation. See my notes here for information about Islam
    - and -
    See my notes here for information about the inception of the Catholic Church
  • Pagan rituals and beliefs mixed with Christianity by the Catholic church, and Islam was a false religion that sprouted.
  • It was probably very hard to find anyone who truly loved God and was a true Christian during this time.
  • It's hard to find any historical record around the year 900 AD that might be the "elect righteous of the eternal plant of righteousness". Since all of the other significant events noted in the prophecies are about Israel and God's chosen people, it's safe to say that it's likely something we don't have record of among the Jewish peoples, or a heavenly event.

Week 8:

  • 4900-5600 AA, 900-1600 AD
  • And after that there shall be another, the eighth week, that of righteousness, And a sword shall be given to it that a righteous judgement may be executed on the oppressors, And sinners shall be delivered into the hands of the righteous. And at its close they shall acquire houses through their righteousness, And a house shall be built for the Great King in glory for evermore, And all mankind shall look to the path of uprightness.
  • Again, like week 7, this one has some things that are hard to match with historical events, but when we understand weeks 1-6, and see weeks 9 and 10, all of which fit perfectly, this definitely must fit into 900-1600 AD.
  • The righteousness of those who loved God and came out of the Catholic church at the Reformation seems to fit this prophecy. Men started looking to the path of uprightness and questioned the two major false religions of that day, Catholicism and Islam.
  • The sword could be two-fold: The Crusades were originally started to stamp out Islam's rise, and the Bible becoming available to men (the "sword" is the Word of God, the Bible Heb 4:12 and Eph 6:17).
  • At its close, the House of God was increased and the saints of God multiply (God no longer dwells in houses made of hands, but dwells within His elect). With the Bible becoming available through the decree of King James and the printing press invented, the Bible became widely available and men began to read for themselves, turning to the Truth (Jesus).
  • The Body of Christ, the saints, are the house built for the Great King, Jesus Christ!

Week 9:

  • 5600-6300 AA, 1600-2300 AD
  • And after that, in the ninth week, the righteous judgement shall be revealed to the whole world, And all the works of the godless shall vanish from all the earth, And the world shall be written down for destruction.
  • The Return and Revelation of Jesus Christ! (righteous judgement shall be revealed to the whole world) The Revelation of Jesus Christ is when Jesus' identity is revealed to the world at His second coming (Rev 10:7). He came first as the Lamb, but returns as the Lion to rule with a rod of iron. The whole world will see Him and know who He is at that time. See my notes here for information about the Mystery of God
  • The Lord will destroy the wicked, put down the governments of man and take over to rule with a rod of iron.
  • The Vials / Bowls which are the Wrath of God will cause massive destruction to the world during this week. There will be a great earthquake such as has never been before. But this is not the "world" being destroyed.
  • The earth will be destroyed and a new earth created after the final 10th week. But, since the "world" is spoken of by Jesus as the unrighteous people of the earth, the destruction of wicked people is what appears to be what is "written down for destruction". At the final week, all of those who don't love God will be destroyed.
  • See my notes here on the book of Revelation, which walks through all of these timelines and events.

Week 10:

  • 6300-7000 AA, 2300-3000 AD
  • And after this, in the tenth week in the seventh part, There shall be the great eternal judgement, In which He will execute vengeance amongst the angels. And the first heaven shall depart and pass away, And a new heaven shall appear, And all the powers of the heavens shall give sevenfold light.
  • In the seventh (last) part of this week will be the great eternal judgement, where all of the dead will be raised to be judged. See my notes here on the book of Revelation chapter 20.
  • The angels that sinned will be punished (2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6).
  • God will create new heavens and a new earth for all eternity! See my notes here on the book of Revelation chapter 21.
  • Sevenfold light? Will the universe be seven times as big?

After that: Many weeks without number for ever! No more sin! Eternity with God!

Chapters 94 - 105

Psalms / Proverbs / Prophetic warnings much like the other major prophets in the Bible

Sin was not sent to earth but man of himself created it

Sinners don't fear God

The righteous should not fear and should not grieve if they find their soul descending to Sheol in grief (good part of Sheol) because their life on earth was not good - wait for the day of Judgement!

  - Fear not when we see sinners grow strong

  - be not companions with them but keep afar from their violence

  - "sinners will alter and pervert the words of righteousness in many ways, and will speak wicked words, and lie, and practice great deceits, and write books"

  - Write all my words in their languages and do not change or minish...

Chapters 106 - 108

Fragment of the book of Noah

Noah born and prophesied over

The flood is foretold to be for "one year"

Punishment of the wicked and reward of those who love God


Again, this is by no means an exhaustive study of Enoch, and I don't even mention many of the things written in it.  This is just some highlights of the book.  I highly recommend reading it!

Some interesting parallels from Enoch compared to the New Testament:

Enoch chapter:
Quoted by Jude (see above).

“the healing of the earth” (Rom. 8:18-21).

Enoch preaches to the spirits in prison that waited in the days of Noah (1 Pet. 3:18-20).

“the great glory sat…more brightly than the sun…no flesh could behold him” (1 Tim. 6:16).

Angels not marrying or being given in marriage (Lk. 20.35).

Evil spirits permitted to destroy until the consummation of the age (Mat. 8:29).

“the end of all things” (1 Pet. 4:7).

Souls crying out for judgment (Rev. 6:9-10).

Description of the tree of life restored (Rev. 22:1).

The appearance of “the Righteous One” is linked to the appearance of the “light” (John 1).

“those that possess the earth shall no longer be powerful and exalted” (1 Cor. 2:6).

“For the Lord of Spirits has caused His light to appear on the face of the holy, righteous, and elect” (2 Cor. 3:18).

“mansions of the elect” (John 14:2).

“This is the Son of Man…who revealeth all the treasures of that which is hidden” (Col. 2:3; John 4).

Numerous New Testament echoes:

“Light of the Gentiles”;

“those who have fallen asleep in righteousness”;

“he shall judge the secret things”;

“All…shall fall down and worship him”;

“chosen hidden before Him before the creation of the world”;

“in his name they are saved…according to his good pleasure”;

“through his name shall they be saved”;

“all the secrets of wisdom and counsel… the Lord of Spirits hath given to him”.

“in those days the angels shall return…shall stir up the kings…shall go up and tread under foot the land of His elect ones…shall be swallowed up” (Rev. 20).

“And after this it shall be said to the holy in heaven that they should seek out the secrets of righteousness, the heritage of faith. For it has become bright as sun upon earth and darkness is past” (Eph. 3:10; 1 Pet. 1:12; Rom. 13:12).

“the word of his mouth slays all the sinners” (Rev. 19:15).

“as on a woman in travail” (Mark 13:8).

“when they see the Son of Man sitting on the throne of his glory” (Mt. 25:31).

The Lord will execute vengeance upon “those who rule the world”
(1 Cor. 2:6).

“wrath of the Lord of Spirits resteth upon them, and His sword is drunk with their blood” (Revelation).

“The righteous and elect shall be saved on that day…and with that Son of Man shall they eat…shall have risen from the earth…clothed with garments of glory…and…shall not grow old” (Mt. 26:29; 1 Thess. 4:17; 2 Cor. 5:1-2).

Translated into heaven, Enoch sees “a structure built of crystals and…tongues of living fire” (Rev. 21:11; Acts 2:3-4).

“the world to come” (Heb. 2:5).

“they shall not be separated from him forever and ever and ever” (Rom. 8:35).

The fate of the sinners: to be thrown into Gehenna — “this abyss was to the right of that house” (Mt. 23:33).

The Lord of the sheep brings “a new house greater and loftier than the first” (Heb. 3:6; 13:14).

The “double heart” (Jas. 1:8).

The increase of sin and violence comes prior to the Lord’s coming in judgment (Luke 21:9; 2 Thess. 2:3).

“And all the righteous shall arise from their sleep” (1 Thess. 4:15).

The “Apocalypse of Weeks” depicts the rise of “an apostate generation” and its destruction, after which a “new heaven” appears (Mt. 23:36; 2 Pet. 3:13).

“Woe to you ye rich, for ye have trusted in your riches….Ye have committed blasphemy and unrighteousness and have become ready for the day of slaughter and the day of darkness and the day of great judgment” (Jas. 5:1).

“Woe to you …” (Matt. 23).

“suddenly shall the sinners perish before you” (1 Thess. 5:1-3)

“they shall be trodden under foot” (Rom. 16:20).

“horse shall walk up to the breast in the blood of sinners” (Rev. 14:20).

“though the righteous sleep a long sleep, they have nought to fear” (1 Thess. 4:13).

“In blazing flames burning worse than fire shall ye burn” (2 Thess. 1:7; Heb. 10:27; 12:18, 29; Rev. 18:8; 20:9)

“the great judgment shall be for all the generations of the world” (Mt. 23:32).

“in heaven the angels remember you for good before the glory of the Great One” (Mt. 18:10); “ye shall shine as the lights of heaven” (Phil. 2:15); “cast not away your hope” (Heb. 10:23).

“For I and My Son will be united with them forever” (John 14:23).

“generation upon generation shall transgress till a generation of righteousness arises” (Acts 2).

“in the last days” (1 Tim. 4:1; 2 Tim. 3:1; Heb. 1:2).

“written…that the angels may read them” (Eph. 3:10; 1 Pet. 1:12).

“I will transform those who were born in darkness….And I will bring forth in shining light those who have loved my holy name, and I will seat each on the throne of my honor” (1 Cor. 15:51; Eph. 2:6; Col. 1:13; Mt. 19:28).


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