Chapter 2 - Prophecies fulfilled in Jesus Christ

Only a few of the prophecies concerning Jesus have been listed here. There are many more, dozens, in fact; not even including the ones (mostly from the book of Revelation) that have not been fulfilled yet. There are hundreds of prophecies that refer to a few dozen specific events that Jesus actually fulfilled. The prophecies fulfilled in Christ are too numerous to fully discuss them all in a short book such as this. I am listing some of them with scriptural references so that you may study them in detail if you wish.

The major categories of Messianic prophecy (prophecy concerning Jesus Christ) can be described as:

  • The lineage of Jesus
  • The Godly attributes of Jesus
  • Things Jesus did
  • Things that were done to Jesus

I have listed a few from all these categories here.




Would be the “seed of a woman”

Gen 3:15

Gal 4:4, Luke 2:7, Rev 12:5

Promised seed of Abraham

Gen 18:18, Gen 12:3

Acts 3:25, Mat 1:1, Luke 3:34

Promised seed of Isaac

Gen 17:19

Mat 1:2

Promised seed of Jacob

Num 24:17

Luke 3:34, Mat 1:2

Will descend from the Tribe of Judah

Gen 49:10

Luke 3:33, Mat 1:2-3

Heir to the throne of David

Isa 9:7, Isa 11:1-5, 2 Sam 7:13

Mat 1:1, Mat 1:6

Jesus’ birthplace

Mi 5:2

Mat 2:1, Luke 2:4-7

Born of a virgin

Isa 7:14

Mat 1:18, Luke 1:26-35

Massacre of infants

Jer 31:15

Mat 2:16

Flight into Egypt

Hos 11:1

Mat 2:14

Ministry in Galilee

Isa 9:1-2

Mat 4:12-16

As a prophet

Deu 18:15

John 6:14, Acts 3:19-26

As a priest

Ps 110:4

Heb 6:20, 5:5-6, 7:15-17

Rejection by the Jews

Isa 53:3, Ps 2:2

John 1:11, John 5:43

Jesus’ characteristics

Isa 11:2-4, Ps 45:7

Luke 2:52, Luke 4:18

His triumphant entry

Zec 9:9, Isa 62:11

John 12:12-14, Mat 21:1-11

Betrayed by a friend

Ps 41:9

Mark 14:10, 14:43-45, Mat 26:14

Sold for 30 pieces of silver

Zec 11:12-13

Mat 26:15, Mat 27:3-10

Money returned and a potters field bought

Zec 11:13

Mat 27:3-10

Judas’ office to be taken

Ps 109:7-8

Acts 1:16-20

False witnesses accuse Him

Ps 27:12, Ps 35:11

Mat 26:60-61

Silent when accused

Isa 53:7, Ps 38:13-14

Mat 26:62-63, Mat 27:12-14

Smitten and spat upon

Isa 50:6

Mark 14:65, Mark 15:17, John 19:1-3, 18:22

Hated without a cause

Ps 69:4, 109:3-5

John 15:23-25

Suffered vicariously

Isa 53:4-12

Mat 8:16-17, Ro 4:25, 1 Cor 15:3

Crucified with sinners

Isa 53:12

Mat 27:38, Mark 15:27-28, Luke 23:33

Hands and feet pierced

Ps 22:16, Zec 12:10

John 20:25-27, John 19:37

Mocked and insulted

Ps 22:6-8

Mat 27:39-44, Mark 15:29-32

Given gall and vinegar

Ps 69:21

John 19:29, Mat 27:34,48

Prophetic words repeated in mockery

Ps 22:8

Mat 27:43

Prays for His enemies

Ps 109:4, Isa 53:12

Luke 23:34

His side pierced

Zec 12:10

John 19:34

Soldiers gamble for His coat

Ps 22:18

Mark 15:24, John 19:24

No broken bones

Ps 34:20, Ex 12:46

John 19:33

Buried in rich mans tomb

Isa 53:9

Mat 27:57-60

His resurrection

Ps 16:10, Mat 16:21

Mat 28:9, Luke 24:36-48

His ascension

Ps 68:18

Luke 24:50-51, Acts 1:9

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